[飲 酒 過 量 有 礙 健 康]
[飲 酒 過 量 有 礙 健 康]
It’s certainly unusual for the colour of the finished bottled product to be lighter than the sample provided.
One possible explanation is that some colour was unintentionally removed during the bottling process.
Once the whisky is removed from cask it contains lots of unwanted materials like cask char, wooden splinters etc.
To remove these items the whisky passes through a number of filters (perhaps 3 or 4) of different micron levels to ensure any detritus does not make its way into the bottle.
Sometimes this can affect the colour of the whisky slightly depending on what is removed and what whisky perhaps passed through the filter in a previous operation. Hopefully this goes some way to explaining the colour difference and that your customer is still happy with the taste profile of this Glenrothes.
Yes this was indeed a sherry hogshead cask. Cask # 6104.
It’s a bigger than average yield and we originally estimated 360 bottles but got a bit more.
Sometimes there can be slight variations in the sizes of hogsheads.
We expect them to contain 250 bulk litres but it would appear that this was perhaps a little bit larger.
This may be something to do with the fact it was a sherry hogshead and not a regular one built from ex bourbon staves.
This Glenrothes is also a young malt and it would appear the evaporation losses weren’t quite a high as we estimated. Again this can happen as it’s not an exact science.
有時候,豬頭桶的尺寸會有輕微的變化,我們原本預計的容量約在250 bulk litres,但他的容量看來似乎更大了一些。
這桶 Glenrothes同時也是桶年輕的酒款,我們認為他的蒸發損失不太高。再一次,這是有可能發生的,因為這並不是一個確切的科學。